UV5R series
Menu Definitions

0   SQL

Squelch Level
-  Squelch silences the receiver when there is no signal.
-  UHF Sensitivity can be varied from .1 to .3 mV
-  VHF Sensitivity is constant. 1 > 9 = .1 mV
-  Level 0 = Open Squelch
-  There is little difference between settings.
          Level 5 is recommended.

0 > 9
1    STEP Frequency Step
-  Amount of frequency change when using Up/Down arrows or when scanning in VFO Mode.  
2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 /
12.5 / 25  kHz

2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 /
12.5 / 20 / 25 / 50 kHz
2    TXP Transmit Power
-  Std  UV5R - High = 4W  Low = 1W
-  F8HP only - High = 8W  Mid = 4W  Low = 1W
-  Use Low power unless necessary.
-  Power can be toggled Hi/Lo by pressing the [ # ] key.
UV5R - High / Low
F8HP - High / Mid / Low
3    SAVE Battery Save
-  Sleep Ratio to acknowledge an RX signal.
-  The higher number increases the RX sleep cycle, but you may miss the first few syllables before the RX opens.
         1=1:1    2=1:2    3=1:3    4=1:4
OFF / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
4    VOX Voice Operated Xmtr
-  Allows transmitter activation by talking only.
-  Adjust VOX gain to allow smooth operation.
-  Level  10  requires the strongest voice.
OFF / 1, 2 > 10
5    WN Wideband / Narrowband
-  Wide = 5 KHz    Narrow = 2.5 KHz
-  For Ham use, start with selecting Wide.
6    ABR Display Illumination Time
-  Time the display stays illuminated.
OFF / 1 > 5  secs
OFF / 1 >10 secs
Depending on model
1 > 24 secs with CHIRP
7    TDR Dual Watch / Dual Reception
-  Allows monitoring of 2 channels, toggling between Freq A and Freq B.
-  If a signal is received, the RX remains on that channel until the signal is gone.
8    BEEP Keypad Beep
-  Allows audible confirmation of a key press.
9    TOT Transmission  Time Out Timer
-  Transmit Times Out after pre-selected time.
-  Radio will alert you when the time is up.
-  This helps prevent overheating.
15 / 30 / 45 / 60 > 600
10   R-DCS Rec - Digital Coded Squelch
-  Prevents interference from signals on the same frequency.
-  The squelch will open only if the incoming signal is coded with the same tone required by your receiver.
-  Note: Not all repeaters requiring a tone for access transmit a tone back to you. Leave this function turned OFF unless you are absolutely sure it is needed.
OFF / D023N > D754I
11   R-CTCS Rec - Continuous Tone Coded Squelch
-  Prevents interference from signals on the same frequency.
-  The squelch will open only if the incoming signal is coded with the same tone required by your receiver.
- Note: Not all repeaters requiring a tone for access transmit a tone back to you. Leave this function turned OFF unless you are absolutely sure it is needed.
OFF / 67.0 > 254.1 Hz
12   T-DCS

Trans - Digital Coded Squelch
-  Required by some networks to limit access and interference.
D023N > D754I
13   T-CTCS Trans - Continuous Tone Coded Squelch
-  Required by some networks to limit access and interference.
67.0 Hz > 254.1 Hz
14   VOICE

Voice Prompt
-  Audible confirmation of a keypad entry.
OFF / ON   or
15   ANI-ID Automatic Number ID of Radio (set with S/W)
-  Sent when PTT is pressed and/or released.
-  Used to alert dispatcher which field radio was keyed.
-  Used primarily for commercial applications.
16   DTMFST DTMF Tone of transmit  
-  Determines when DTMF codes are heard through speaker.
   OFF       No tones heard
   DT-ST    Only manually keyed DTMF codes are heard
   ANI-ST   Only automatically keyed DTMF codes are heard
   DT+ANI   * All DTMF codes are heard
17   S-CODE Signal Code  
-  PTT-ID DTMF Code Selection    (set with S/W)
-  Selects one of 15 DTMF codes.
-  Set with software and are up to 5 digits each.
-  Enabled by using Menu 19.
1 > 15 groups
18   SC-REV Scan Resume Method
-- TO (Time Operation) Scan stops when signal detected.
Scan resumes after approximately 5 seconds (even if the channel is still active).
-- CO (Carrier Operation) Scan stops when signal detected.
Scan resumes when signal disappears.
-- SE (Search Operation) Scan stops when signal detected.
Scanning will not resume.
TO / CO / SE
19   PTT-ID When to send the PTT ID signal code
   OFF -   No ID is sent.
   BOT -   An ID is sent at Beginning of Transmission
   END -   An ID is sent at the End of Transmission.
   BOTH - An ID is sent at BOT and EOT

-  This tells a dispatcher which field radio was keyed.
-  Not Applicable for Ham use.   Set to OFF.
20   PTT-LT Signal Code sending delay
-  Not Applicable for Ham use.   Set to 0 (zero)
0 > 30 ms or
0 > 50 ms
21   MDF-A Channel Mode A Display   (upper display)
   FREQ - Displays programmed Frequency
   CHAN - Displays Channel Number
   NAME - Displays Channel Name programmed via software.

-  If no name is programmed, CHAN will display.
22   MDF-B Channel Mode B Display   (lower display)
   FREQ - Displays programmed Frequency
   CHAN - Displays Channel Number
   NAME - Displays Channel Name programmed via software.

-  If no name is programmed, CHAN will display.
23   BCL Busy Channel Lockout
-  Prevents transmitting on a busy frequency.
-  If another repeater or signal is present using a different CTCSS or DCS code, your transmitter will be 'locked out' to prevent interference.  When PTT is keyed, radio will sound a Beep Tone through the speaker only.
24   AUTOLK Automatic Keypad Lock
-  When ON, keypad will be locked if not used in 8 seconds.
-  Pressing the  [# ]  key for 2 seconds will Lock/Unlock the keys on the keypad.

25   SFT-D

Frequency shift direction
-  Enables access of repeaters in VFO/FREQ mode.

   OFF           TX = RX (simplex)
   +  (plus)     TX shifted Higher in freq than RX
   -  (minus)   TX shifted Lower in freq than RX
OFF / + / -
26   OFFSET Frequency shift amount
-  Specifies frequency difference between TX and RX.
-  Used with Menu 25 for repeater access in VFO/FREQ mode.
-  Offset is not required when storing repeater frequencies into channels.
00.000 > 69.990 MHz
    in 10 kHz steps

27   MEM-CH Store a memory channel
-  Stores channel information in memory slot  0 > 127

-  For a detailed examples of the programming process,
please visit:      Programming Memories
000 > 127
28   DEL-CH Delete a memory channel
-  Deletes  information stored in memory slot  0 > 127
000 > 127
29   WT-LED Illumination / Display Color - Standby
-  Screen illumination color in Standby Mode
30   RX-LED Illumination / Display Color - Receive
-  Screen illumination color in Receive Mode
31   TX-LED Illumination / Display Color - Transmit
-  Screen illumination color in Transmit Mode
32   AL-MOD Alarm Mode
   SITE - Sounds alarm through your radio speaker only.
   TONE - Transmits a cycling tone over the air.
   CODE - Transmits '119' followed by ANI code over the air.
33   BAND

Band Selection
-  In VFO/FREQ mode, sets VFO A or B to VHF or UHF band.
-  This is similar to the [ BAND ] button.
Newer releases of radio eliminate the need for a Band Button.

34   TDR-AB Transmit selection while in Dual Watch / Dual Reception
-  While in Dual Watch mode, this forces the selection of which transmit frequency is selected.
OFF / A / B
35   STE Squelch Tail Elimination
-  Eliminates the squelch tail at the end of a transmission.
-  Only works when other radios turn on their Tail function.
     * For Ham use, set to OFF.
36   RP-STE Repeater Squelch Tail  Elimination
-  Requires a repeater using this function.
     * For Ham use, set to OFF.
OFF / 1, 2, 3 > 10
37   RPT-RL  Delay the squelch tail of repeater
     * For Ham use, set to OFF.
OFF / 1, 2, 3 > 10
38   PONMSG Boot / Power On Display
   FULL - Displays the entire LCD screen.
   MGS - Displays a 2 line Power On message.
39   ROGER Tone at end of transmission
Sends a Tone at the end of each transmission.
     * For Ham use, set to OFF.

40   RESET Restore to default settings
-  VFO - Resets all menus to factory default.
   Resets VFO [A] and [B] frequencies to factory default.
-  ALL - Same as above.
   Erases all channels.
   Resets chan 0 to 136.025 MHz / chan 127 to 470.625 MHz