============================================================== How to flash the Motorola MTR2000 ============================================================== Take the files marked CMP and ENC and copy them into the PCF directory of the MTR2000 program. Then follow the steps below. Please note since the files were E-mailed to you will not have 3.5inch diskette and the steps that mention the diskette can be ignored. How to Use the Station Upgrade Feature to Maintain the Station The Station Upgrade Feature is used to upgrade the software in the station and it is also used to upgrade the features available in a given release of the station software. NOTE: If the station is keyed, please dekey before starting the upgrade process. +-------------------------------------------------+ THE STATION SOFTWARE UPGRADE PROCEDURE +-------------------------------------------------+ NOTE: Before proceeding, the user must have both the station software file and the associated feature definition file readily available. These files will be supplied by Motorola on a 3.5 inch diskette. The station software file has a .cmp suffix, the feature definition file (if present) has a .enc suffix and the upgrade listing file is a standard .txt file. All files will have a prefix that identifies the release of the software. Verify that the station can be upgraded. To determine if the station can be upgraded compare the station ID to those given in the upgrade listing file. The upgrade listing file is available on the same 3.5 diskette that holds the new station software file. 1) Read and archive the codeplug of the station to be upgraded. The file will be required at the completion of the station upgrade process to restore the codeplug. 2) Access the Station Upgrade screen by selecting the Service/Station Upgrade menu item. 3) The RSS will normally select the fastest baud rate possible for the transfer (57600 baud). If for some reason the user wishes to use a slower rate, use the Transfer Rate button to select the desired baud rate. 4) Click on the Load Files button. Select the directory or disk drive where your Station Upgrade files reside. This will usually be the 3.5 inch disk supplied by Motorola. The station upgrade file name will be of the form (e.g.) ocr30205.cmp where 30205 is the version of the station software in the file. Select the station upgrade file and click on OK. 5) After the file loads, the message: File Successfully Loaded will appear in the station message box, and the Upgrade button will be highlighted. If there is a problem, a message giving the reason for the failure to load will be given. A typical problem is that the associated feature definition file is not available. In this case the message will be: Station Feature Definition file not found The feature definition file is located on the same disk as the station upgrade file. It has the same prefix as the station upgrade file and a .enc suffix, e.g. ocr30205.enc 6) To initiate the transfer process, click on the Upgrade button. The RSS will keep the user informed of the progress of the transfer with message boxes: - Loading File. Please wait... (displayed very briefly) - Determining Memory Configuration - Formatting Station Memory - Transferring station upgrade file. The last step will take about 5 minutes at the fastest baud rate. During the transfer process the LED status indicator on the station control board will alternately flash red and green. 7) After the transfer completes, the station will reset. 8) The RSS will then update the feature definition area of the codeplug. A message will appear in the station upgrade message box: Searching for a compatible feature definition string, please wait... There will be a short pause after which the station will reset again. If the RSS has a problem locating the station ID in the feature definition file, a message box with the following comment will be displayed: Station Feature Definition String not found. Please locate the correct feature definition file and repeat the station upgrade process. The usual reason for the appearance of this message is that the required station ID was not present in the feature definition file. The user must obtain a feature definition file that applies to the station being upgraded. If the feature definition string is not transferred to the station, the status LED will be red, indicating that the station is not useable. However the station upgrade facility is still functional, and it can be used to correct the situation. 9) On successfully updating the feature definition area of the codeplug, the RSS will reset the station again. The message: Feature Definition Strings Committed will be displayed in the RSS Messages window. The Station Upgrade File Processing window and the Station Software Upgrade Feature window will close. 10) After the station comes out of reset, the status indicator will be a solid red because the codeplug is corrupted. Read the codeplug file saved in step 1 and write it to the station. On completion of the codeplug write the station status LED will be green, indicating that the station is useable with the new station software and feature set. 11) This completes the upgrade process. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Differences in the transfer process There are some differences in the transfer process that are determined by the version of software in the station and the version of software to be transferred to the station. These differences are covered below. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Station software R03.02.00 or later, and upgrade software R03.02.00 or later ==================================================================================== In this case, the RSS may decide that it is not necessary to upgrade the station software if only the feature set is being upgraded. The RSS will try to locate the feature defintion file that applies to the station, and transfer it as soon as it is found (the transfer in step 6 will not be executed). If the feature file indicates that a new station software version is needed to enable the new features, the RSS will start to transfer the software file to the station per step 6. Station software earlier than R03.02.00, and upgrade software earlier than R03.02.00 ==================================================================================== In this case, the RSS will immediately start to transfer the selected software file to the station (steps 8 and 9 will not be executed). Station software earlier than R03.02.00, and upgrade software R03.02.00 or later ==================================================================================== In this case, the RSS will immediately start to transfer the selected software file to the station, and all the steps of the above procedure will be executed.